What moves the needle for pipeline generation? 100+ revenue leaders weigh in →

Kiss your pipeline anxiety goodbye

Boost pipeline and reduce churn by monitoring job change signals of your most valuable buyers and automating the next steps.
Trusted by the best revenue teams
UserGems account mapping

Did you know?

Previous customers convert 3X higher than normal leads
New executives spend 70% of their budget in the first 100 days
Most companies miss 50% of key buyers in their accounts

Previous customers convert 3X higher

  • Old customers + New jobs = Hot leads.
  • Capture your customers' job changes at scale.
  • Integrate with your CRM and auto-enroll leads in relevant pre-made SalesLoft & Outreach sequences.
  • Great for: prospecting & prioritizing ABM accounts.
UserGems - Contact Tracking - job changes
UserGems - prospect prioritization

New executives spend 70% of budget in the first 100 days

  • New execs are 2.5X more likely to convert in their first 3 months.
  • Most companies miss 50% of their new buyers
  • Capture key new hires and promotions
  • Great for: actioning ABM & intent data

Prevent churn proactively

  • Departing champions and New executives are the #1 churn risk.
  • Get alerts when your champions leave and when new executives join your accounts.
  • Identify other key contacts for multi-threading & finding new champions.

Go live in 1 week

UserGems integrates with your CRM, existing tools, routing logic, and workflows. Easy to get started and train your team.

Best-in-class data from LinkedIn and publicly available sources, combined with human and algorithm verification to ensure accuracy, relevance, and less than 5% bounce rate.

Your success is our success

You'll have dedicated and technical Customer Success and Revenue Ops experts from implementation, training your teams, sharing playbooks or bouncing off ideas.

Want to get more pipeline with less work?